The 404 page is an important part of any website. It is where users go when they enter a URL that does not exist. While there are lots of ways to make a 404 page, the best way is to create an error page for your customers and let them know you are working on fixing the issue as soon as possible.
When users access a broken link on your website, you want them to be able to find the right page quickly. That's why you need to create an interactive 404 page builder for your website.
If it does not exist, create a ''.htaccess'' file in your website's directory or you will typically find .htaccess file in your site's root folder and start to type ''ErrorDocument 404 /404.html''
You can change the link of your 404 page (the red part) as you want. Example ''ErrorDocument 404 /ErrorPage.html''
After doing these steps , your unavailable page will be redirected to the custom 404 error page.